My Story

My God is full of wonder, and each day I am learning more about Him
and the amazing plans He has laid out for the adventure that is my life.

This is my story.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Barrie's Pan is Coming!

My birthday is almost here, which means that I'm creeping at an alarming rate to the ripe age of 30! Arge! I will be twenty-eight this November 14th. How old this sounds! I don't feel that old at all. In fact, I still feel quite juvenile and innocent of much of life. But then I've always been a late bloomer, so really it should feel like anyone else turning twenty-five at the oldest.

And to celebrate my obvious desire to cling to youth, I will be celebrating my birthday by seeing J. M. Barrie's original "Peter Pan!" No one does this version anymore, which has always baffled me since it is in my opinion the deepest and best. Well, my dreams have come true! Someone in England finally decided that it must be done again and it was such a success in London that they brought it to LA and now I get to see Peter Pan the way J. M. Barrie wrote him and his world for the first time; and on my birthday too!

Excited is too small a term for how I feel.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let Down by craigslist

Still applying for jobs. Still have not received any calls or emails replying to my requests for employment... except a random one yesterday that I decided to let go.

I got an email saying in slightly misspelled and grammatically incorrect sentences that my application for employment over had been cleared for an "Instant Message" interview! A WHAT?!!! Is this the new way to interview people these days?! I decided that life can't have become that crazy and weird yet, and that a possible scam or joke was in the mix, so I decided to delete the email and continue my search in the hopefully less murky waters of other job sites.

So much for craigslist. Nobody seems to want my shoes that I'm trying to sell on there either. I have been completely let down by you craig.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Waiting With Bated Breath

I have officially applied for the Masters of Science program at Azusa Pacific University in College Counseling and Student Development. Now I am waiting for the references to come in and for the school to decide my fate. I feel confident, but perhaps I shouldn't. There's nothing worse than rising high on expectations only to have them crash and burn. It's the only other thing that Anne and I disagree on. (The other is the fact that she doesn't like November, and I love it.) However, I digress.

Well, I don't know what else to say or what else to update. My life is rather quiet besides that one piece of tension. I wake up every morning, ready myself for the day, and then proceed to apply for jobs online. Not one call back yet. It's been a few weeks of this monotonous routine, and I am trying not to give in to discouragement. But God has been very good. I am not suffering from the horrible anxiety that nearly paralyzed me during most of this past year. I have found hope again, and not because of anything in particular or any great change in my life (for there hasn't been). I think it's because I've finally given up. I have recognized that God is in control of my life and He is in charge of my future. I will do all that I can in front of me, but He is in charge. And because He is so good, I have hope.

I am also yet again greatly enjoying my favorite book of all time (besides the Bible) - Jane Eyre. No other fictitious book gives me such pleasure, hope, and biblical inspiration. Every time I read it I get more from it than the time before. And THAT is the sign of a truly wonderful book! Charlotte Bronte was an amazing writer, and obviously had a wealth of deep spiritual insight that just came through her storytelling naturally because of who she was, and not in annoyingly shallow platitudes or morals. I love this story so much. (And as an aside, I realized that it is a form of the Beauty and the Beast story mixed with Cinderella. No wonder I love it!)

Well, that's all I have for now.