Well, it's been a long time. I believe that last post I made was just before I started my first quarter of grad school. Now I am finishing up my third! And it feels like no time has had the chance to pass at all. Where does it go and how in the world does it escape so quickly?
I am still getting quite a lot out of my classes and still very much enjoying getting to know my cohort members better. It's been quite an experience so far. I'm actually in the middle of finishing up a paper for my Program Evaluation (Assessment) course. It's been the toughest course yet, but I think I might actually like doing this kind of thing despite the long, grueling hours it took to type 113 surveys, which all had eight open-ended questions.
I do need to finish that paper, so I will need to keep this update short.
However, can I just say yet again how GOOD God is?! This journey to grad school at APU in student affairs has been such a clear direction from God and I am still gleaning from following His promptings. I can not express how happy I keep finding myself to know beyond all doubt that I am exactly where He wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do.
I have found friends when mine were all so far away (and for someone who's top love language is quality time, having close friends close by is essential!). I have been invited into a wonderful, new church family. My 1st year internship has been a dream and I honestly love working with all my coworkers and will be very sorry to leave them. However, I have been blessed to be hired as a Resident Director at the University of La Verne for my second year internship, and it starts this July! It was my first choice!
And then, this week has added something even more. I don't think I'll say anything about that just yet. :)
My Jesus is very, very, very good to me. I just love looking back and seeing how He brought amazing goodness even out of the very darkest of moments behind me. These are my Ebenezers that I carry, to remind me to never lose hope.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7