My Story

My God is full of wonder, and each day I am learning more about Him
and the amazing plans He has laid out for the adventure that is my life.

This is my story.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crazy Weekend

It's late, so a fuller blog will come soon, I'm sure.

This weekend I turned twenty-eight, saw the best rendition of Don Qixote I've ever seen performed at CBU, saw J. M. Barrie's "Peter Pan" performed in amazing spectacle by actors I've seen in movies before, and...

watched as my mom almost went into cardiac arrest. She now has a pacemaker in and will have to deal with that for the rest of her life. It's going to have to make some big changes in all our lives. I'm hoping that she get more sleep because of it at least.

Everything seems to be going well and her color looked pinker than I've seen her look in a while.

Thanks to all the prayers, I felt a surprising amount of peace through the entire ordeal. I hope that continues for all of us. My family is broken and fractured in so many places (which I'm sure is normal for everyone) and I just want everything to be healed and happy. Hopefully this sudden weird out-of-the-blue experience will be a blessing in disguise that God will use to "work everything for the good."

Needless to say, my NaNoWriMo quota for this weekend has been shot. Hopefully I can pick back up tomorrow.

Right now, I'm another year older and probably have a few white hairs starting to grow in somewhere. What a weekend!

I have realized that one can never be old enough to not feel completely helpless and freaked out when a parent's health is in crisis.


  1. highs and lows packed into a short amount of time...we will continue to pray for your mom.

  2. Thank you so much. We have been so blessed by all the people who have been praying! Hopefully she'll be well enough to come home in a few days.

  3. I'm glad she's on the mend. Definitely praying for you & the fam. Hope the holidays bring joy!

  4. Mary- I am so sorry to hear that your mother's health has been poor, but glad to hear that she is pulling through. Good luck with your writing. -Sandy
